Monthly Archives: Januar 2017

Interface Critique

The anthology Interface Critique is an attempt to interrogate apparatuses and applications. How can we examine the dissolving intersections between human and machine? How can we comprehend the contexts and conditions of their production? Where and how do these interfaces govern and guide us? How do they shape our perception of our surroundings and of our world? And what significance could the interface have in the context of current technological, social and economical developments?

The book discusses the interface as a dynamic cultural phenomenon, opening up a multidisciplinary discourse ranging from engineering and coding to design and communications, from digital humanities and philosophy to media studies and literature. Continue reading

International Conference: Situation Space. How Spatial Images Define the User’s Disposition (Berlin, 12./13.01.2017)

Situation Space. How Spatial Images Define the User’s Disposition

International conference, January 12th and 13th 2017
Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung
Sophienstrasse 22a, 10178 Berlin,
Central Laboratory (2nd courtyard, 2nd floor)

Contemporary imaging, sensor and display technologies have turned viewing predominantly into using. Interacting with visual devices and interfaces such as virtual reality headsets, augmented reality apps or navigation systems situate users in space both within and beyond the boundaries of the screen, for instance when playing Pokémon Go on a smartphone, or when superimposing medical images on a patient’s body. Narrative media such as stereoscopic movies, volumetric cameras or curved displays also require a visual practice that spatially aligns image and viewer. In the case of a stereoscopic projection, for example, the spatial impression of the image is most intelligible and convincing if the physical position of the viewer corresponds with the camera-viewpoint.

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