Tag Archives: Screen Studies

International Workshop „Screen Images (Bildschirmbilder) – In-Game Photography and Screenshots as Photographical Praxis“ (Potsdam, 06.-07.07.2017)

Screen-Images (Bildschirmbilder) – In-Game Photography and Screenshots as Photographical Praxis (Potsdam, 06.-07.07.2017)

International Workshop
July 6-7, 2017 in Brandenburg Center for Media Studies (ZeM), Potsdam (Germany)

Starting from the phenomenon of In-Game Photography this workshop investigates the status of the screenshot as a photographical genre which includes but is not limited to computer games. Both, Screen-Photography and In-Game Photography belong to a number of everyday photographical practices that are performed within the digitally produced realities as well as the digitized realities we inhabit and which are largely mediated via screens and screen-like surfaces.
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International Conference: Situation Space. How Spatial Images Define the User’s Disposition (Berlin, 12./13.01.2017)

Situation Space. How Spatial Images Define the User’s Disposition

International conference, January 12th and 13th 2017
Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung
Sophienstrasse 22a, 10178 Berlin,
Central Laboratory (2nd courtyard, 2nd floor)

Contemporary imaging, sensor and display technologies have turned viewing predominantly into using. Interacting with visual devices and interfaces such as virtual reality headsets, augmented reality apps or navigation systems situate users in space both within and beyond the boundaries of the screen, for instance when playing Pokémon Go on a smartphone, or when superimposing medical images on a patient’s body. Narrative media such as stereoscopic movies, volumetric cameras or curved displays also require a visual practice that spatially aligns image and viewer. In the case of a stereoscopic projection, for example, the spatial impression of the image is most intelligible and convincing if the physical position of the viewer corresponds with the camera-viewpoint.

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